Rollout of LockDown Browser & Respondus Monitor for Instructors
These resources will help instructors quickly learn how to use LockDown Browser and Respondus Monitor.
Training Webinars, In-App Resources and the LockDown Browser Dashboard
Instructor training webinars are free and offered several times each month. Registration is required.
Once the LMS administrator has completed the initial setup for LockDown Browser and Respondus Monitor, instructors will see the LockDown Browser Dashboard tool in their courses. The Dashboard can be accessed from any course in your learning management system (LMS).
The tabs in the Dashboard contain instructor resources for LockDown Browser and Respondus Monitor, including tutorial videos, guides, and everything you want to communicate to students. Many of these resources are also available on the Respondus Monitor Resources page.
The LockDown Browser Dashboard is also where you will find:
- A list of exams in the course
- The settings for LockDown Browser and proctoring options, including Respondus Monitor (most settings include an "explain" link to hover over or click on for more information)
- Proctoring results for each exam (select “Class Results” from the context menu)
- Additional exam statistics (select “Exam Stats” from the context menu)
If you can’t locate the LockDown Browser Dashboard in your course, contact your LMS administrator to ensure everything has been installed.
Instructors using Blackboard (Original course view) should see this important article about the LockDown Browser Settings
What learning systems are supported?
LockDown Browser and Respondus Monitor are available for tests and quizzes in:
- Canvas (New and Classic Quizzes)
- Blackboard (Original and Ultra)
- Brightspace
- Moodle
- Schoology
Respondus Monitor is also available for use with ALEKS by McGraw-Hill and Pearson MyLab. These integrations work a bit differently. Learn more: ALEKS | Pearson MyLab
Other publisher platforms and third-party vendors license and integrate LockDown with their own assessment platforms. This utilizes a separate version of the browser and support is provided through the other platform.
What do students install? What devices can students use? Other requirements?
Students need to download and install the LockDown Browser application, which includes everything needed for Respondus Monitor and other proctoring options.
Instructors can find directions for students to install LockDown Browser in the LockDown Browser Dashboard in the course. Select “Getting Started,” and then “Give instructions to students.” (For some learning systems, the download link will appear to students when an exam requires the use of LockDown Browser.)
LockDown Browser and Respondus Monitor are available for Windows, Mac, Chromebook, and iPad devices. For complete details, see the section on System Requirements (Students)
- Chromebook Users: Chromebook support is available for most learning systems, but may be restricted by your institution. Contact your license administrator for details.
- iPad Users: If you will be permitting students to use an iPad to take an exam with Respondus Monitor, the Respondus Monitor settings have an option that must be enabled on a per-exam basis. Instructors sometimes don’t allow students to use Respondus Monitor with an iPad unless it’s placed on a stand and used with an external keyboard (the video recording has too much motion otherwise.) In addition, the screen recording option is not available on an iPad; students can take the exam with Respondus Monitor, but their screen will not be recorded. See this article for more details.
- Mobile Phones – LockDown Browser and Respondus Monitor aren’t available for use on mobile phones, such as the iPhone or Android phones. (Many LMS don’t support exams taken on mobile phones either.)
Online exams require a stable internet connection. Provide students with a practice quiz so they can test their device and bandwidth.
Here are some tips for improving poor internet connectivity.
Preparing Students + Giving a Practice Quiz
Be sure to have students take a practice quiz that uses LockDown Browser and Respondus Monitor to ensure the student’s device, webcam and internet connection function properly. Make the practice quiz available with multiple attempts so students can try it anytime they are using a different computer or networking environment.
Technical Support Resources and Live Chat
- Respondus Support - The best way for an instructor to get assistance with a technical issue is to open a support ticket. Tickets are responded to quickly by the Respondus Support team.
- Knowledge Base – Here you’ll find answers to frequently asked questions - and even a few obscure ones.
- Help Center – This is available within LockDown Browser itself and helps students troubleshoot technical issues (webcam, microphone, internet connection, etc.) and get technical assistance.
- 24/7 Live Chat for Students – Students having technical problems with Respondus Monitor can initiate a live chat with Respondus Support. This 24/7 service is available within Respondus Monitor and is accessed from “Help Center” and the “It’s Not Working” links that appear in the pre-exam startup steps. Additional resources for students are available here.
- Contact a Respondus Trainer – Do you have a question about LockDown Browser or Respondus Monitor that isn’t really of a technical nature? Are you confused with how something works? We recommend joining one of our training webinars or scheduling a meeting with a trainer by going to the LockDown Browser Dashboard and selecting Connect with a Respondus Trainer on the Guides & Support tab. You can also reach out by emailing [email protected].
Where are the proctoring results?
Everything an instructor does with LockDown Browser and Respondus Monitor occurs from the LockDown Browser Dashboard within the online course (see above topic on this).
Once a completed exam has been processed (within 10-15 minutes, on average), go to the LockDown Browser Dashboard and select “Class Results” from the context menu to the left of the exam name. The class roster and proctoring results for the exam will appear.
The Review Priority ranking will help to quickly evaluate the proctoring results and determine whether an exam session warrants deeper scrutiny. Use the timeline or thumbnails to quickly review any part of the exam video.
Instructors can select a Sensitivity level (Strict, Standard, Relaxed) that best aligns with their exam requirements. Changing the sensitivity level affects flagged events and the Review Priority level.
Here’s a great overview on Understanding Proctoring Results for Respondus Monitor. It explains how flagging works, facial detection, and other goodies.
What about student privacy concerns?
Proctoring results, including the student video, are only available to the instructor from within the online course. Respondus staff do not watch or review student videos. The Respondus Monitor Terms of Use is the official word on privacy, but the following document (one page) answers most privacy questions asked by instructors and students:
Data Privacy Overview
Can students use assistive technologies?
LockDown Browser and Respondus Monitor support a wide range of assistive technologies and even have features that support accessibility.
Remember that LockDown Browser is a browser and shows content nearly identically to standard browsers, like Chrome.
For details, including the VPAT and Knowledge Base articles about various applications that work with LockDown Browser and Respondus Monitor, see
Can students be provided with outside resources during an exam?
Absolutely! Instructors can embed media files (like images, PDFs and videos), spreadsheets, and even links to external websites in tests that require LockDown Browser (and Respondus Monitor). The resource will open in the locked browser environment, preventing the student from accessing other, unauthorized materials.
LockDown Browser also has a built-in calculator – both scientific and standard versions.
Students cannot, however, access other applications. That’s the very thing LockDown Browser is designed to prevent, to ensure the integrity of the exam environment.
Can students use scratch paper or notes during an exam?
Yes. Students can be directed to use external resources (scratch paper, notes, books, etc.) during an exam. However, keep in mind this can affect face detection results if they are frequently looking away from the webcam. If this behavior is what you expect, just ignore the flags associated with using other resources. Or, you may want to select the Relaxed Sensitivity level to see fewer flagged events related to students looking away from the screen.
You may want to disable the setting, “Notify students during the exam if face cannot be detected”, so they aren't prompted to fix the problem during the exam.
If you wish to have students show written work, a feature called Show Your Work can be enabled to require that students take additional photos of written materials with their webcam. Here’s an article on how this works.
Resources for License Administrators
Admin resources or LockDown Browser and Respondus Monitor can be found in the Administrator Area for Respondus products.
License contacts will need login credentials to access the Admin Area. The User ID is provided in the "welcome" email for your institution’s license.