Implementing a Successful Pilot of LockDown Browser (K12)

A free, two-month pilot license is the best way for schools to learn how LockDown Browser prevents cheating during online exams. Not only does it provide ample time to roll out the application, it’s a way for teachers and students to use it with real exams in the classroom.

Here are five steps to ensure a successful pilot at your school.

1) Set it up. Once the license agreement for the pilot is complete, the administrator for your school’s LMS (Canvas, Schoology, etc.) should log in to the Administrator Area for LockDown Browser and follow the "Getting Started" instructions. Once the “integration component” for LockDown Browser is installed to the learning system, it’s ready for teachers and students to use.

2) Install LockDown Browser to student devices. If LockDown Browser is being used on computers or devices managed by the school, have the administrator of that system install LockDown Browser. If students are using personal devices, a link for installing the app will appear for them. LockDown Browser is available for Windows, Mac, Chromebook and iPad.

3) Identify tech-savvy teachers for the pilot. Identify at least three teachers who are already familiar giving online quizzes with your learning system. These teachers can assist other teachers who might be less familiar with online testing. You might also focus the pilot on a particular group of teachers, such as high school science teachers.

4) Make training resources easy to access. Very little training is needed for teachers (and virtually none for students). For a smooth rollout, direct teachers to the training videos, resources, and tips available from the LockDown Browser “dashboard” of your learning system.  Respondus also offers free webinar trainings for schools and districts (just ask).

5) Start with a practice quiz. We recommend teachers create an ungraded practice quiz for students with several fun questions. This enables students to get comfortable with LockDown Browser in a low-stress environment. If students are using personal devices, it also ensures they have installed the application properly.

Over 2,400 schools and universities use LockDown Browser to protect the integrity of online tests. Most schools start with a free, two-month pilot before rolling it out more widely.

Transitioning from a pilot to a paid license of LockDown Browser is seamless. Nothing new needs to be installed or updated, and teachers can continue to use it as they did during the pilot.

For more information on LockDown Browser or the free, two-month pilot, visit or email [email protected]